
by Claire McCorkell 

Strong hands weathered by the Sun, Strong heart beating as one.
So much sorrow and regret, So many needs unmet.
Always a fighter from a very young age, Growing up you had to be, bit this turned to rage. 
Hands could turn to steel, couldn't describe the feel.

They called you 'Horsey Bob'. Cos you were handy with a cob.
Chomping at the bit, that was your hit. Then off to the bar for a swally or two.
There'd always be someone there to yarn with you.

With the spirit of a wild horse, that one one could tame. This was your passion - where you found your fame!
You took the Big C square on the chin,
With hope and determination that you could win. They say time's a healer, in this case it was not you. 
You stood up with courage and took all you got.

You fought with UNBELIEVABLE strength, dignity and grace. Full tilt to the finish line, you never eased off the pace.
In our hearts you will be, loved, missed, wild and free.

"See you in a bigger town" x